Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Red Light Cameras are saving lives

Living in a community with high volume traffic increases the risk of accidents for drivers, bike riders and pedestrians alike. There are hundreds of accidents at light intersections everyday and many of them fatal accidents.

A Red Light Camera is a traffic enforcement device that captures an image of a vehicle, which has entered an intersection against a red traffic light by automatically photographing vehicles that run red lights. With the arrival of Red Light Cameras, accidents are decreasing because drivers are modifying their behavior when they know Red Light Cameras are watching.

Proponents of Red Light Cameras argue that the devices deter would-be violators and reduce crashes at intersections with signals. They argue that drivers modify their driving behavior in cities where Red Light Cameras operate.

Detractors of the Red Light Cameras argue that they are an invasion of privacy typically found in a “Big Brother” police state. Others argue that the Red Light Cameras are nothing more than a ploy by cities to fill their coffers at the expense of otherwise law-abiding citizens.

Many traffic violators that receive citations in the mail complain that the cameras are a violation of privacy and a way to drain the public of much needed funds without raising taxes.

The fact is that Red Light Cameras are saving lives. 

Acc­ording to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (a non profit organization funded by the insurance industry) an estimated 20% of all accidents are caused by drivers running red lights. Every year, these accidents kill a substantial number of people and cause billio­ns of dollars in property damage, medical bills, lost productivity and increase in insurance premiums.

For the next generation of these cameras are certain to become more accessible and less expensive for the authorities to install. The success of the cameras in decreasing accidents while earning much needed revenue for cities will cause them to grow.

Motion sensors and recording technology will continue to improve making enforcement a sure object.
Roads will certainly be safer while big brother is watching and accidents at intersections may become as rare of an occurrence as a plane crash.

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