Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Impoverished women should be paid financial incentives to practice birth control?

Supplying basic needs like food, housing, pharmaceutical or medical procedures for free to an individual by the government is unethical and manipulative. In my opinion, people should earn the right to enjoy government offers.
All young men and women should be aware of how babies are made and how to protect oneself from both pregnancies and diseases. This would cut down disease and death rates dramatically as well as decrease poverty due to having excessive amount of children without the means to properly raise them.
Education must be the first step in any program to address societal problems. This is especially critical in societies in which women's education is not usually a priority due to cultural practices, strict gender roles, poverty, or lack of resources. Even in the United States, many women do not receive the kind of education that can help them understand family planning options.
Education can take the stigma away from the use of birth control, address cultural issues such as marriage and pregnancy.  Education can show the advantages of smaller and healthier families to live within a family’s limited resources. It also  empowers women to take control of the size of her family.
Birth control should be affordable to women so that they can utilize their knowledge and take control of their lives. Simply paying women to take medication without educating them and involving them in the process does nothing to help them improve their lives.  Additionally, ethical and moral implications of birth control, sex and marriage should not be ignored.  Education ensures that solutions to these issues are not imposed on anyone, but are instead implemented with the full participation of the people most affected by the problem. Many have found that the confidence and sense of empowerment that women have found from taking control of their own reproduction spill over into other areas of their lives, improving their overall quality of life as well as the lives of their families and their communities.

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