Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My New Parents

When do parents in law become like my parents? At their son’s wedding?  In a month? In 5 years? As far as I am concerned, I have no idea what specific date ‘Mom’ and ‘Pop’ turned from my parents in law into a special role model. 
In the last 5 years, I have learned the joys of ‘daughter-in-lawhood’! Not only do I call my parents in law, ‘Mom’ and ‘Pop’, I also treat them like my own parents. I tease them, joke with them, fight with them and… I adore them like any daughter would.
I was born in Venezuela. Growing up, I never experienced any kind of poverty. My family had a decent house, a car and I was always enrolled at private schools. My childhood was really good. I had friends, got good grades in school and was surrounded by family, including aunts, uncles and cousins. But it all changed when I decided to move to the United States to marry my American boyfriend. Saying goodbye to my family and friends, especially my mother, was the toughest experience of my life. I love my mother with whom I am really close. When I left home for the airport, the whole world seemed to collapse over my head. I had this sickening feeling, as if I would never see her again. I cried in the airport bathroom over and over. The sensation of leaving everything behind consumed me when I boarded the plane and came to America to start a completely new life.
Then I met my parents in law, who welcomed me into their family as another daughter.  They helped me adapt to a new country, language, society and culture. Most importantly, they provided guidance on adapting to married life. I felt a special connection with them. I always feel like I have to take care of them the same way they have taken care of me. 
I thank God everyday that He has blessed me with a wonderful husband, a marvelous family, a colorful and blessed life and continued strength.  In my journey, I have had to face tough goodbyes, say hello to a new and unfamiliar situations but in the end I have made it with the love from my family and the grace of God.

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